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Posted by fNc structure


Hari ni 1 Ramadhan 1430 ... 22 Ogos 2009 (Kul 3.00pm)

Besh ar dok umah.kalu kat sch duk pk studi,stra8 A,overseas,future...g2...sape xborink,aq bukan madihah!!!

Kat umah no more,cume ad la layan kengkawan sch cket,msg2.Imran xhabes ngn f.3 die,n juge msg bunga2 ye,aesyah talib pom same,ummY xbyk krenah,yazmYn plak xcaye kate aq dah brubah,ktenye aq GALOK????,rafiq CLiCK mung ad projek MEGA ngn aq yea =) !!!!

Bese lah tu,org byk pngaroh kat skola...bagus latu...

Ni,nak tengok aq nye BAKAl RESULT???

Bahasa Melayu 1A
English 1119 1A
Mathematics 1A
Additional Mathematics 1A
Sejarah 1A
Chemistry 1A
Physics 1A
Biology 2A
Pendidikan Al-Quran dan As-sunnah 1A
Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah 1A
Bahasa Arab Tinggi 1A

Hehee.... ;-) pakat2 la aminkan yeaa...

One more...

Nak tgk aq nyer planning lps SPm neh???
NI announcement tertutup,jgn gitau kat MEDIA,nnt bising,xsronok,yeaa!!!!

1. Blajar TARANNUM kat misjed Muhammadi, Celate D.N (Skunk pandai Bayati,Nahwand,Rast,Hijjaz 3 lg Soba,Jiharkah,Sikah)

2. Keje kat Kedai Jam Rolex n Pen Brand Berprestij kat KBMall (my dad kate die dh mintak ngn tokey,ktnye tokey nk org yg leh speak english n chinese,jd ke x blom tau gi,hrp2 beres,nnt xberes malu lak nnt,AWAL-AWAL lg dh gitau org =)

3. Blajar Bhase India (Ni still skeletal planning,cikgu nye blom cari,tp serius.kalo leh,kat Malaysia ni aq leh speak ngn sumer org,SEMENANjuNG la!!!!)

4. Nak amek lesen motor,nak round Celate D.N Tercinta

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SUmernye perlu dipk lg,blom masak,yg my dad plan tu,kene ekut je.yg my planning tu kene b'peluh cket ntok ushekn.

INSYAALLAH,kalo Die izinkan,sumer leh jd,kan!

LgPOM,sumer aq wat neh,sumer baek2,xde yg b'unsur maksiat rasenye...

Dats all rsenye...

If u fail 2 plan, YOU PLAN 2 FAiL ..... mau kena ENGGAt tu!!!!

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