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Me,SPM and HOLS...  

Posted by fNc structure


Skang aq kat umah Sajarul Erfhan 5UPM Supernova 2009 nyer geng sebadge...

Umah ye kat sch len balek jumpe family sempena raye HAJI aq kat umah org,clebrate ngan mom n dad org... aq okey je,jgn bimbang yee..huhuu3... =)

Bes umah diye.bapok besor...dah la family dy ckit je.aboh,umy,abg yah (Sajarul Elyas), ang Ngah (sajarul Erfhan laaa) , adik yaa (Nur Amalia) .pastu ade Yuna & Matthew kucing dorang.manjr nk mampos,tido kat peha aq tetiba.huhu.tdo cni 3 mlm.

2nd day quite foreign cz cara hdop dy laen ngn aq.smyang kt masjid,tdo awal,studi3...hehe.bes anyway i luv it some ways...pastu abg dy balik.bes giler abg dy.klakar.

3rd day g kmpong dy.smelih lembu,tgk sungai,mkn2 kat umah sdare Jay Chow...mmmm....blik ptg 2 letih gile.mkn ice-cream,tdow.bgn mse maghrib.kol 12 xngntuk g.studi,thn tdo.

4th day,hari ni.dh nk n the geng dtg tganu.nk round ganu gamaknye.bbwk gulai lembu utk anak dy.whooaaaa....bes.tgh tunggu r ni.

tp,3 hari ni,bes msg2 ngan org...mmmm,org2...hehe... ;oD

k...tis will be a memorable n un4getable moments wit others' family.

BIOLOGY tis MONDAY hoooaaararrrgghhhhh....struggle 4 death...
smayang hajat 4 aq ye,nak g KOREa NI....yeee...

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